Suspected of irregularities in the MP Development Fund amount, consumer committee to show

Kathmandu: There are plenty of examples of non-compliance with the law even after assuming the responsibility of making the law. One of these is the scenes seen during the mobilization of MP Development Fund funds in Siraha. Manoj Kumar Singh, a member of the Provincial Assembly elected from Siraha Constituency No. 3 Province '1', has shown indifference in following the law by not even keeping a general information board in the development work being done by his election development fund.

Plans for irrigation, drinking water, road RCC slopes are being implemented in their areas with the funds of Singh's development fund. There are no notice boards to be placed anywhere in his development plan to inform about the plan. Road RCC slope work is going on in Golbazar municipality-9. Even if the consumer committee is working, the consumer does not know who the consumer committee is. Omprakash Shrestha, a businessman from Golbazar 7 Choharwa, is doing the construction work.

While the work was going on, when I reached during the reporting, the businessman Shrestha was doing the work there. He said that even though the consumer committee has been formed, he is doing the work himself. He said, 'There is a consumer committee of the village, I forgot the name now. I am doing the work.'

In front of Ganga Prasad Mahato's house in Dandatol of the same ward, the construction of a goal house is underway at a cost of 10 lakhs. Locals say that although a consumer committee was formed for the name by keeping the villagers, the work is being done by the provincial assembly member himself through a contractor.

Locals protested after the construction of the Golghar started without informing the residents. However, despite the opposition, Singh, a member of the state assembly, himself entrusted the work to the contractor under the bargaining of a certain percentage, said Rajkumar Mahato, chairman of the Sub-Botma Committee. He said, 'Pradesh Sabha member Manoj Singh is doing the work himself. I heard that 10 lakhs have been allocated to build this Golghar. I was made the chairman of the consumer committee to work. However, I have heard that a contractor has been assigned to do this construction work for 7 lakhs. So far I have no information.'

Rajkishore Singh, the representative of State Assembly Member Manoj Kumar Singh's Parliamentary Development Fund, has claimed that all his schemes are being done through consumers. He said, 'We have formed a consumer committee in all schemes. All the work is being done by the consumer committee.' Saying that the consumers could not get the work done, Singh admitted that he got the work done through a contractor.

In the financial year 2079-080 in province '1' of Region No. 3, drinking water pipe connection at the cost of 4 million in Anarma Rural Municipality 1, 2 and 3, water pipe connection at the cost of Bishnupur Ward 1 and 5 at a cost of 20 million, Golbazar municipality from 12 to 25 At a cost of 10 lakhs, water supply Chapakal, 10 lakhs for the construction of unfinished Durga temple in Ward No. 8 and 7 lakhs for the construction of Bhandar Bhavan and Mandap in the courtyard of Dihwar Baba in 8th have been allocated.

In Golwazar Municipality 3 Musharnia with drinking water tank pipe 13 lakhs, 1, 2, 3 and 6 Irrigation warding installation at a cost of 50 lakhs, Irrigation warding installation at a cost of 50 lakhs in wards 7, 8, 9 and 10, 4, 5, 11 and 12 The budget has been allocated for the construction of Irrigation bearings at a cost of 50 lakhs, 10 lakhs for the construction of goal houses in Ward No. 9 and irrigation warding at a cost of 20 Lakhs in Naraha Rural Municipality wards No. 1 and 2. Side Engineer Dhruva Prasad Sah said that these allocated budgets were revised and applied to other works. He said, 'This is a proposed plan. While working, some plans have been changed.'

As of June, many plans are under construction. Although the deadline for payment of all the plans has been set by June 24, the construction works are still incomplete. When Engineer Saha boldly inquired about the reason for not holding an information party at the project site, he said, 'It should be held, I myself have not been able to see it due to the pressure of work. Now I will ask the consumers to hold an information party.' When I contacted Ramdev Khadka, Head of Infrastructure Development Office, his mobile was switched off.

Provincial Assembly Member Shahida Khatun's Golbazar and Dhangadhimai Municipality and Narha Rural Municipality 15 lakh 50 thousand sallow tube connection, 25 lakh irrigation boarding throughout Golbazar municipality 25 lakh, ship training 9 lakh 50 thousand, RCC slope of road from Mungalal Thakurkuti of Sukhipur Municipality 6 to the city passing by Srinarayan Yadav's house 40 lakh allocated. 5 lakh has been allocated for the construction of Salhesh temple in Golbazar 2 Paswan toll.

Since the June work, many 6-inch borings have been installed using the DTH technique, which has failed many times in this area. Experts say that they use this technology because they need to connect in a hurry. Technicians say that a boring can be installed within 24 hours with DTH technology. Technicians say that hundreds of borings connected with this technology in Siraha have failed.

Locals have told that the plans of Provincial Assembly member Khatun were done by the contractor by forming a consumer committee only in the name. Provincial Assembly member Khatun said that the work of 950,000 allocated for ship-related training for women could not be done. All the work was entrusted to his representative Harinarayan Yadav. Yadav said that due to lack of time some works are left.

In the procedure of the consumer committee, it is arranged to form the committee in the presence of maximum beneficiaries at the construction site. However, planning committees of provincial assembly members are formed at home and party offices. This also shows that the people who make the laws are indifferent in following the rules.

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