9 thousand 590 people did not submit property details

Kathmandu: In the financial year 2078/79, nine thousand five hundred and ninety employees working in various agencies of the federal and state governments have not submitted their property details.

It is said that the National Vigilance Center has also submitted a report to the Abuse of Authority Investigation Commission with recommendations to take action against those employees who do not disclose the property details.

According to section 50 of Prevention of Corruption Act, 2059, nine thousand five hundred and 90 officials and employees who did not submit their property details, National Vigilance Center (Operation) Regulations, 2065, Rule 10 (2) Comozim sent a letter to the Commission for a fine of Rs. And Deputy Secretary Hari Prasad Sharma informed.

According to him, there are 3,453 civil servants, 113 Nepal Police, 1,158 teachers, 1,922 political appointments and contracts. Likewise, 1,027 people from the province and 1,917 people from the local level have not submitted their property details.

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