Condolences on death of Sita Dahal by former King Shah

Kathmandu: Former King Gyanendra Shah has expressed his condolences on the death of Sita Dahal, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal's wife and advisor to the Maoist Center.

Expressing grief over the death of Sita Dahal, the former king sent his representative Pashupatibhakt Maharjan to the party office of the Maoist center in Parisdanda.

After reaching Parisdanda, Maharjan paid tribute to Sita Dahal on behalf of the former king and expressed his condolences to the bereaved family along with Prachanda.

Prachanda's wife Dahal, who had been ill for a long time, died at 8:33 in the morning at the age of 69 in Narvik Hospital.

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