Is there really a link between heart attack and vaccine? ICMR report will open the secret

Vaccine and heart attack: what vaccine corona virus It was prepared to prevent, it has increased the risk of heart attack. This question is because at present most of the discussion is going on about this thing. ICMR is also looking for answers to similar questions. These days ICMR is doing a study, the report of which may come in the beginning of July. In this study, ICMR is trying to understand the connection between the Kovid-19 vaccine and increasing heart attacks in the young population of the country. When the figures are completely confirmed, this report will be published.

What questions is ICMR looking for?

1. Have people died due to natural causes after vaccination?

2. Did the Covid vaccine cause death?

3. Was Kovid in the serious stage in the patients who died or were they not in its grip for a long time?

Where is ICMR collecting data from?

ICMR has included 40 hospitals in the sample size of this study. Clinical registration information has been taken. The data of many patients has also been taken from AIIMS. Information is being received that information about 600 deaths was received in the sample size of 14,000. Let us inform that in March, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya also admitted in a summit that cases of heart attacks have increased after Corona. Only then did he tell that there has been a discussion on this and ICMR is also studying about it.

How long can it take for the ICMR report

Then the Health Minister had told that there are statistics of vaccination. Some questions are being searched for 3-4 months. Although the report was to come in 6 months only, but now it is being said that this report will be made public in July. Health Minister Mandaviya had said that AIIMS Delhi is also reviewing the figures of deaths due to heart attack. The Union Minister had told that India's situation at the time of Kovid was very disturbing. Then the steps taken by India regarding the vaccine campaign and Corona at the global level were praised all over the world.

Cases of heart attack increased in youth

According to the Indian Heart Association, the risk of heart attack has been seen in 50 percent of people below 50 years of age and 25 percent of people below 40 years of age in the last years. This clearly means that the risk of heart attack has increased in the youth. More men than women are falling prey to heart disease. Blood pressure, sugar, stress, obesity and messy lifestyle are also the reasons for this. Many experts also believe that blood clots are increasing rapidly in the body after Kovid infection and studies are also going on whether corona is the reason behind the increasing number of heart diseases.

There is no connection.

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