Make special kimami sevai on Bakrid...the pleasure of happiness will be doubled

Bakrid Special Kimami Sewai Recipe: Now only a few days are left for the festival of Bakrid. Preparations have already started among the people of the Muslim community. On the other hand, the women of the house have already started preparing a list of making special food for this day. If you also want to make something sweet on the occasion of Bakrid, then you must make Kimami vermicelli on this day. It is very creamy and delicious. There is a recipe. On the special occasion of Bakrid, nothing can be better than Kimami Sevai to sweeten the mouth of the guests who come to your home. So let's know what is the recipe to make it. Which ingredients are used in it.

Ingredients for Kimami Vermicelli

  • vermicelli 200 grams
  • sugar one cup
  • two to three cups of milk
  • Khoya 200 grams
  • Cashew nuts 10 pieces
  • Badam 10 pieces
  • Raisins 10 pieces
  • coconut flakes as needed
  • Makhane chopped
  • cardamom powder half teaspoon
  • Ghee 5 tbsp

How to make Kimami Sevai

  • To make Kimami Sevai, first put a pan on the gas.
  • When the pan becomes hot, add ghee to it.
  • After the ghee is hot, add vermicelli to it and stir it till it turns golden brown.
  • After that take out the vermicelli and keep it in a plate.
  • Now add two to three spoons of ghee again in the pan.
  • When the ghee is hot, put finely chopped dry fruits in it and fry them well.
  • Now boil milk, khoya and cardamom powder in another pan.
  • When it boils well and starts thickening, add sugar according to taste.
  • Now put roasted vermicelli and nuts in it. Keep stirring it continuously with a spoon.
  • Now you can keep it thin or thick as per your need.
  • Your Kimami Sevai is ready.
  • You can serve it by adding coconut powder and dry fruits.

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